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BIO122: Environmental Biology: Environmental Topics

This guide provides research assistance for the the BIO122 Environmental Conservation/Policy Project.

Background to Issues

Looking for articles?

Looking for articles?  Start here!  

Each of the databases below provides full-text articles from academic journals, magazines, and news sources.  Articles can be downloaded, emailed, or shared for future use.  APA citations are provided for each source.

Science-Specific Databases

Science Databases

If you know what environmental policy or solution you're searching for, enter it in a database search box.  If you're looking for more information about the legacy of your scientist, enter his/her name in the search box and review those search results first, then refine your search as needed.

General Databases

If you're still missing biographical details or need more information about your subject's policies, solutions, and legacies, try these general databases that cover a wide range of topics: