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Library Tutorials for In-Seat Students: Permalinks

How to use the library website, library resources, and conduct research.

What are Permalinks?

Permalinks are persistent (or permanent) links to specific online library resources, such as full-text documents, ebooks, topic pages, or saved searches.  Permalinks are not available for all online library resources.  To create a permalink, watch our "Sharing Articles" video or select your database below.


If you need help getting a permalink, or have questions about a database that is not listed on this page, Ask a Librarian for assistance.

ACM Digital Library

While viewing an article, select Share in toolbar on the right. First option is to Share This Publication Link.

Credo Reference


PRO TIP:  You can also get a permalink to a Credo search result list!  On the results page, look for Copy Link in the top menu bar.

Ebooks and Multimedia

For ebooks and multimedia located in Ebook Central, O'Reilly, or Ovid, your best bet is to locate the book in the Library Catalog.  All ebooks in the Library Catalog have a permalink to access the resource.  Right-click to copy this link and paste it into any document.

The "Catalog Permalink" button to the right of each title only provides a link to information about the the book.  Your best bet for direct access to the resource is the "Click here to access" link.

For each title, right-click on the URL starting with "click here to access..."  The Catalog Permalink button to the right of the title will only give book information, not direct access to the resource.


PRO TIP:  You can also get a link to a Library Catalog search result list!  Simply copy the URL in your browser- please note that this is one of the only times you can use the URL as a permalink.

EBSCO databases

Popular EBSCO databases include Applied Science & Technology, Business Source Complete, and CINAHL.


Click the menu options (see below), then select Share.

From the Share options, click Create Link. A proxy link will generate. You can copy/paste this link. 

Gale databases

Popular Gale databases include Entrepreneurship, LegalTrac, Opposing Viewpoints, and Psychology.

When viewing an article, select Get Link from toolbar at the top of the page.  Link will appear in a pop-up box.


PRO TIP:  You can also get a permalink to a Gale database search result list!  On the results page, look for Get Link in the top menu bar.

Nursing Reference Center Plus

When viewing an article, select Permalink from the toolbar on the right.  Link will appear above the article title.

ProQuest databases

ProQuest databases are the Research Library resources.

When viewing an article, select All Options from the tool bar on the right.  Link will appear at the top of the pop-up with a chain icon to the left.

Salem Press: Health & Science

Although not displayed, Salem's copy permalink option auto-adds the link to your clipboard.

When viewing an article, select Copy Permalink to this Article to Clipboard.  Then paste permalink into any document.