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English as a Second Language (ESL): Study Strategies

How is Note-Taking Helpful

Note-taking aids ESL students by promoting active engagement, reinforcing learning, facilitating language production and writing skills practice, and providing a personalized study resource, thus enhancing comprehension, retention, language acquisition, and self-directed learning.

Cornell Method for Note-taking

The Cornell Method for Note-taking is very efficient way to organize information from class, books you read, videos you watch, etc.

You can make any notebook ready to take notes this way by:

  • making a column on the side for main ideas or topics
  • making an area at the bottom for a summary of your notes (do this after class when you study).

Also, practice using abbreviations as you take notes.


Useful Research Guides

APA Style Guide - Your comprehensive resource for mastering the guidelines and conventions of the American Psychological Association's citation and formatting style

Student Success and Survival Guide - Explore for invaluable resources, tips, and strategies to thrive academically, personally, and professionally throughout your educational journey

ENGAGE: Life Skills - Your ultimate resource hub for acquiring essential competencies and knowledge to navigate the complexities of everyday life with confidence and proficiency.

Ace English Tests: Proven Tips & Strategies for ESL Learners

Apps for College Students

                   Evernote                            Wolfram Alpha                          

                       Evernote                  Wolfram Alpa                   

 Dropbox                              Google Drive                          Free Graphing Calculator

          Dropbox                 Google Drive               Graph. Calc.              


       Due                       CamScanner               LinkedIn

Practice Multiple Choice Questions

​​​​​​Test-taking can be especially stressful for ESL students as they are navigating a new language. When it comes to testing and evaluation, every test is a test of the student’s language proficiency.

How to ace multiple choice tests - Maclean's Education offers some tips and techniques that can help you succeed at a tricky multiple choice exam.

How to Take Multiple Choice Tests – Minot State Online offers in-test strategies for multiple choice.

Test-Taking Strategies – Common Questions

UNC Multiple Choice Exams – UNC’s Learning Center offers some tips on how to prepare and take mcq’s.

The SQ3R Method

The SQ3R Method is a five-step strategy for effective reading comprehension:

Step 1: Survey (Several minutes) Quickly skim through the reading to preview headings, sub-headings, and introductory and summary sections. Note down main themes or key concepts.

Step 2: Questions (Several Minutes) Convert paragraph headings into questions and write them out to guide your reading.

Step 3: Read (Times Vary) As you read, answer the questions you've formulated and summarize the content in your own words to ensure understanding.

Step 4: Recall (More time should be spent on this step than reading) After reading, recall the main points without referencing any notes or materials.

Step 5: Review (Times Vary) Review your questions, answers, notes, and reading material to assess your recall accuracy. Summarize the entire reading, focusing on key themes and concepts.


Active Reading & Note-Taking Tips

10 Reading Comprehension Strategies - Purdue University 

Abbreviations - University of Portsmouth - Offers a list of abbreviations for speedy note-taking in lectures.

Active Reading Strategies: Remember and Analyze What You Read - Princeton University offers different active reading strategies so you can find which work best for you.

Dartmouth Academic Skills Center - Offers handouts, videos, and learning links on note-taking.

Misconceptions About Reading - Dartmouth University

Taking Notes - Seton Hill - Five college success tips.

Books & Ebooks