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Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Websites

Additional Websites

Websites for Case Studies

AIUMultrasound - AIUM case challenge videos.

British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) - Offers a library of interesting cases, submitted by BMUS members and other interested parties.

BMC Medical Imaging Journal - Open-access journal for peer-reviewed research on medical imaging techniques and image processing for disease diagnosis and management.

Emory University School of Medicine - Emory's Ultrasound Cases of the Month are updated on a monthly basis.

Focused Ultrasound Foundation

Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) - the oldest orthopedic hospital in the United States posts new Ultrasound of the Month Cases every month.

Imaging Technology News - An online journal covering all things related to imaging technology.

Medical News Today (MNT) - A publisher of medical news including ultrasounds.

PubMed - comprised more than 37 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. 

Radiology Assistant - an initiative of the Radiology Society of the Netherlands to provide up-to-date radiological education for radiology residents and radiologists.

Radiopaedia - is a global, peer-reviewed, open-edit radiology resource created by radiologists and trainees. Its mission is to provide the best free radiology reference indefinitely.

Radquarters - comprehensive multimodality radiology videos focused on body imaging, covering MRI, CT, ultrasound, X-ray, and nuclear medicine.

Sonographic Tendencies - offers ultrasound resources for medical students, sonographers, and radiologists. - contains a large number of general ultrasound cases from the Gelderse Vallei Hospital.

Ultrasound Division of the Department of Emergency Medicine (University of California San Diego) - shares interesting cases from day-to-day practice.