National Center for Health Statistics
The NCHS is the federal government's principal health statistics agency and a primary resource for tracking down information on health and health care for any group within the U.S. population
The Office of Minority Health in the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services provides much information on minority populations, including health reports and data profiles on specific ethnic groups and links to collections of searchable websites.
Need more background information? Check out our reference collection! Reference collections consist of encyclopedias, dictionaries, images, and other print and digital resources that are used to look up quick facts about a particular topic. Health Science Reference Resources Background information and news articles on diseases, drugs, medical topics, and procedures.
Assessment, background information from medical and nursing reference books, care plans, competency checklists, cultural competencies, diagnoses, drug guides, images, patient education handouts, procedures, and skills. Nursing Reference Center Plus: Tutorial
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