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Library Tutorials for In-Seat Students: FAQs

How to use the library website, library resources, and conduct research.

How do I log in to access the databases?

How can I access the library website from ECPI apps?

If you're using an iPad for schoolwork or research, read these instructions for accessing the library website from the Canvas or ECPI mobile apps.

How can I check out books from ECPI?

Can I get print textbooks?

Your textbooks are available electronically through VitalSource.  Because publishers are constantly updating their textbooks to keep up with rapidly changing industries, physical copies of a textbook are not always available. Additionally, because of the accelerated pace of our courses, the University utilizes eBooks to ensure that you receive your course materials in a timely manner each term.  Learn more about VitalSource and how to use it here.

While borrowing a textbook for certain courses might not possible, you can learn more about the process for borrowing physical books in this video.

Where can I find information on certifications?

How long will it take a librarian to respond to my question?

If you have a question about research, APA, or anything about the library, you can use the Ask a Librarian form to submit your question.  You should get a response in 1-2 business days.  


When writing your message, please be clear and specific.  If you need help finding library resources for a paper or project, please include details about your intended topic.  The more info you provide the easier it will be for the library to help!