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Communication Principles: Ethics, Persuasion, & Conflict

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Ethics in Communication Video

Conflict Management

The building blocks of collaboration:

  • Active listening and open communication
  • Trust, respect, and shared vision
  • Clear roles and responsibilities
  • Effective feedback and constructive criticism
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Defined decision-making processes
  • Continuous learning and knowledge sharing

Be assertive, not aggressive

Assertiveness allows individuals to express themselves honestly and directly while considering the rights and feelings of others, fostering healthier relationships. It encourages open dialogue, emotional control, and the development of stronger connections, ultimately leading to more constructive conflict resolution and personal empowerment.

Communication Accommodation Theory elements: how we adjust our communication styles to accommodate or adapt to others

  • Evaluate Similarities & Differences
  • Understand Perception & Evaluation
  • Weigh Social Status & Power
  • Identify Convergence (similar) and Divergence (different) traits

Compromise is crucial when conflicts arise in communication. It bridges divergent viewpoints, preserving relationships and fostering understanding. By embracing compromise, individuals can navigate conflicts constructively.

Why withdrawal?

  • Withdrawal provides a chance to cool down and prevent further escalation.
  • It allows for self-reflection, helping individuals gain clarity and understanding of the underlying issues.
  • Withdrawal can prioritize self-care and emotional well-being, enabling individuals to regroup before re-engaging in productive dialogue.

Recommended Databases

 A library database is an organized, searchable collection of citations or full-text articles of periodicals (magazines, journals and news sources) or reports as well as images, recordings and videos often related to a specific subject area. Using library databases will help you find reliable information from trusted sources. 

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