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Need books?

Search ECPI's collection of books, reference works, and media.


Need articles?

A library database is an organized, searchable collection of full-text articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers. They may also contain images, recordings, and videos. Find reliable information from trusted sources.

Search Ebook & Multimedia Collections 

Ebooks are digital versions of the original book that can be read on a computer or mobile device.  

The multimedia collection provides streaming digital/video content such as live online training, learning paths, tutorials and more.

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Need background information or quick facts?

Reference collections include dictionaries, encyclopedias, images, and sources that tend to be consulted for specific facts rather than read in their entirety.

Explore LibGuides - Research & Subject Guides

LibGuides provide easy access to library and web resources that can be used for research, study, and course assignments.

Library Blog & Highlights

General Library Information   


Special Dates

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September 15-21
National Surgical Technologists Week (NSTW)

September 15-October 15
Hispanic Heritage Month 

September 17
Constitution Day
National IT Professionals Day

September 22-28
Banned Books Week

September 30
Term 8 (2024-09) Start