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Certifications (Technology): CCNA 200-301

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Exam Updates

CCNA Exam Updates

As part of our Certification Roadmaps review cycle, our CCNA exam will be updating soon. The last date to test for the current exams is August 19, 2024. Candidates can expect to be tested on the new exam material starting August 20, 2024.

Certification Table of Contents

ECPI University students & alumni can use library resources and GetCertified™ to earn their Cisco certification.

This table of contents is arranged to guide you through the exam preparation, approval, and registration process. 

General Exam Information

ECPI Library Study Materials:


Schedule Your Exam

Remote Testing

General Information: CCNA

Exam Information:

  • Exam Vouchers: 1 voucher 
  • Voucher Fees for Undergraduate Students: $15 per exam ($30 for a retake voucher)
  • Voucher Fees for Alumni: $20 per exam ($40 for a retake voucher)
  • Test Length: 120 Minutes

Cisco Resources:



Print Books

GetCertified: Exam Prep and Approval


GetCertified is a certification study and voucher request platform that ECPI University students and alumni will use to prepare for this certification exam. 

Click here to begin using GetCertified exam prep

For more information on requesting access to GetCertified, see this FAQ:  How do I sign up for GetCertified?

When you’ve successfully completed the GetCertified exam prep, you will receive a digital badge* which you must redeem. You’ll then complete another online form through GetCertified.

Click here to request your voucher
*Need help obtaining your digital badge? Visit this Library FAQ for instructions.

Schedule Your Exam

Once you’ve requested your voucher, ECPI University staff will be in touch to assist with scheduling.  ECPI University students and alumni may test in one of three ways.

OPTION 1: Take your test on campus—if your campus has an available testing center.
OPTION 2: Use your voucher code to schedule your exam at a nearby off-site Pearson VUE testing site.
OPTION 3: Use your voucher code to test at home using Pearson’s OnVUE testing platform (if applicable).

IMPORTANT notice for remote testers:  After you test, you need to let ECPI University staff know the result.  Please respond to your voucher email or use the Ask a Librarian form to share your results.

Remote Testing

In addition to testing at a Pearson Test Center, Cisco is offering online certification testing. Candidates can:

  • Test anywhere – especially from the security and privacy of their own home.
  • Test anytime – online testing can be conducted 24/7, schedule your exam whenever time permits, avoiding competing priorities or conflicts.
  • Test in a highly secure environment – remote proctoring ensures all candidates test under the same secure monitoring conditions as a test center.

Additional information about Cisco Online Certification